Blood  +  Sweat  +  Tears


Compassion is the act of caring about others.
To care means to suffer together through blood, sweat, and tears.

Blood is the ambition to give back.
Sweat is the effort to persist.
Tears is the emotion we feel for others.

Explore our Facebook page for more info and a glimpse at our process through behind-the-scenes videos! You can also download our complete process book for even more details.

Facebook Event Page 

Process Book


Branding, Exhibition, Wayfinding, Marketing


Tiffany Phan
Lorenz Ortiz
Michelle Vaquilar
Peter Nguyen
Ace Vu
Princeton Poe
Irina Peshina
Jenny Ko
Kim Karena Nguyen


Professor Connie Hwang

Marketing Materials Brochure

Social Media Promotion

Five days before the opening of the exhibition, we changed each designer’s Facebook photo to silhouettes. Each day, we revealed two letters of our event title, along with the designers associated with them. The day before the event, we revealed the entire event title which spells out compassion. We engaged with our audience in this manner to spark their curiosity and keep them thinking about the event.

Wall A Wall B Wall C Wall D Model Wayfinding Wayfinding Stairs Individual Letter Posters Entrance Main Wall Poster and Packaging Wall Overall Views Compassion Team

Behind the Scenes

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